Monday, July 2, 2012

Bund Memorial & History

    This concrete memorial on the Bund represents three rifles and celebrates the fallen from the revolution that eventually established the People's Republic of China in 1949.  Mao Zedong of course is given credit for this which is why his image is all over their buildings and money.  Ironically, he is also the author of the 10 year long Cultural Revolution, considered a dark time in China's history even by the Chinese.  This is when they stripped all the wealthy people of their possessions since they "accumulated it from capitolism" and during this time as well as during the revolution, millions of their own citizens were murdered.  The cultural revolution is hardly mentioned in their schools today.  Mao has the distinguished honor of being the greatest mass murderer in human history.. three times that of Hitler.  Ironically, Shanghai is the epitome of capitolism and capitolism is the only thing that has brought China out of the dark ages... and the government knows it.. but the people do not!  The vast  majority absolutely love their government.

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